Clover Pass Alaska Fishing


Most Common Questions

What Airport Do I Fly Into?

You will fly into Ketchikan International Airport which is about a One-and-a-half-hour flight from Seattle, Washington.   

What Type of Fish Do Guests Catch?

There is an old saying that the fishing is always good even if the catch is not.  Our guests commonly target both Salmon and Halibut, but no matter what they catch, every outing is an epic adventure.  There are a variety of other fish like Ling Cod and Rock Fish, but area-specific regulations may prohibit anglers from keeping everything they catch.

What If I Don't Know How To Fish?

Our friendly staff will help you get going.  Plus we will provide an on-demand class that will show you everything you need to know. You can check out our page about fishing tips to get an idea of what to expect.

What Are Some Things To Do In Ketchikan Other Than Fishing?

What Are the Meals Like?

This is one of the biggest surprises you will have during your stay.  The meals are absolutely first class with everything from Prime Rib to a Fresh Sea Feast.  You'll enjoy delicious desserts and fresh cookies, hot breakfast every day, a variety of soups and snacks, and fresh homemade bread made available throughout the week.

When Is the Best Time to Come to the Lodge and Fish?

Our fishing season is from June until the end of September.  We have every variety of Alaskan Salmon but they come in at different times.  

King Salmon If you are looking to catch the biggest Salmon, then King Salmon come in about mid-June to mid-July.  They are harder to catch and it's more like hunting than fishing unless you get a charter.  

Pink Salmon If you want to have the most action catching fish, you will want to go for Pink Salmon.  They are not as big as King or Silvers, but they are in more supply.  They are usually available from early July to mid-August

Silver Salmon If you are looking for a good balance of action and size of fish, Silvers are the way to go. They are not as big as Kings, but they are bigger than Pinks.  They are not as plentiful as Pinks, but they are more plentiful than Kings.  Silvers start coming in around early July and stick around until about September.

Halibut Halibut are available May through September.  

Other Fish There are Rock Fish, Black Bass, Lingcod, throughout the season.  They are not the main attraction but if you do an all-day Charter you'll likely pick up another variety of fish if you ask the skipper.

Are There Bathrooms on the Boats?

Almost all of the Charters have small bathrooms on the boat but double check with your captain when booking.  Most of the best fishing spots are next to the lodges so a bathroom is always close if you are in a Skiff or Jet Boat.  If you stay at SilverKing lodge you can use the bathroom at Clover Pass Resort and vice-versa so that expands your fishing options. 

Will There Be Cell Phone Service or Internet Available?

Yes!  The lodges have high speed internet and cell phone reception.  Also, you will be surprised that most the areas you will want to fish also have cell phone reception.

Will My Family Enjoy Sport Fishing?

We have families, couples, and friends all join in on the fun.  Usually families won't bring anybody younger than a teenager since it is a long day for young ones.  We have many grandparents that bring teenage grandkids, husbands and wifes, business get-away groups, friends, and families that all come and visit year after year. We also host family reunions and families bring kids of all ages to enjoy a beautiful get-away place to spend time with loved ones.

What Are the Covid 19 Testing Requirements Right Now?

The safety of our guests is our number one priority. You can find the latest Alaskan guidelines on the State of Alaska COVID-19 Travelers Page.

What To Know Before You Get Here

What Should I Pack for My Trip?

Warm Clothes – Our summer temperatures may seem chilly to you if you are from a warmer, drier climate. An early morning breeze on the ocean can be quite cool and uncomfortable if you are not properly dressed. We recommend the “layered” approach that allows you to add layers or take away layers as the temperature and wind change. More than anything we want you to be prepared and comfortable during your stay with us.

Footwear – Waterproof footwear is highly recommended. Even on dry days, feet have a tendency to get wet in the boat. A light pair of rubber boots or waterproof hiking boots are adequate. An extra pair of tennis or deck shoes will be useful around the lodge and on the dock.

Raingear – Our lodges are happy to provide raingear for our guests. Because Ketchikan gets over 13 feet of rain each year, you’re likely to get rained on at some point during your stay. Waterproof gloves are not provided and are recommended for our guests prone to cold hands.

Personal Items – You will need to bring your own personal toiletry items. If you happen to forget something there is a store close by. If you require medication please remember to have an adequate amount for your stay.

Cameras – Whatever you do, do not forget your cameras. This is your weapon against all those friends that don’t believe your fish stories.

BYOB-  If you want to drink, bring your own Adult Beverages. We provide waters, soft drinks, and ice.

Other - Hat or visor. Sunscreen and Bug Spray. 

How Do I Get to the Lodge After I Fly Into Ketchikan Airport?

After your plane touches down at Ketchikan International Airport, one of our friendly shuttle drivers will greet you on the curb outside of baggage claim. Hop in the van, where you will be whisked away to the lodge of your choice.

Do I Need to Purchase a Fishing License?

Yes the State of Alaska requires all anglers age 16 and up to carry a valid Alaska fishing license. You will need to purchase the fishing license prior to your trip online here-
Local stores also sell fishing licenses.  Make sure the start date of your license is the same day you arrive and that you include a King Salmon stamp if you want to fish for King Salmon. Most people buy the King Salmon stamp even if they are not fishing for them "just in case" they hook a big King Salmon and they want to keep it. 

 How Many Fish Am I Allowed to Keep and What Are The Fishing Regulations?

As a leader in our industry, ASE Resorts insists that its guests adhere to all State and Federal fishing regulations. Although we are happy to provide current regulation information, full Southeast Alaska fishing regulations can be found online. If you have any additional questions please give us a call. If we don’t know the answer we are happy to make a call to local law enforcement officers who are always willing to give us an accurate explanation.

Do I Need to Bring My Own Fishing Gear?

No.  We have everything you need here and it is included in any of our all-inclusive packages.  If you are going Al-La-Carte or renting a boat, then you can rent the fishing gear as well. You are welcome to bring your own gear, but we highly recommend you use what we provide since we know it works to catch the local fish.

What To Know While You Are On Your Trip

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Fish Processed?

Fish processing is included for no additional charge through our all-inclusive packages. Our staff will fillet, vacuum pack, freeze, and box your catch according to your directions and specifications. Our system is designed with multiple backups in place to ensure that you get the fish you caught all the way back to your dinner table.

How Do I Get My Fish Back Home With Me?

Due to the rising costs of excess baggage and the hassle of handling boxes on the way home from a fishing trip, many of our customers have opted to have their catch sent express delivery to them once they return home. Although expensive, FedEx Overnight Delivery offers some added benefits including the ability to insure your catch, FedEx’s overnight delivery guarantee, and the ability to choose a delivery date and location that is convenient for you. FedEx rates run in the $3 to $4 per pound range, depending on the quantity shipped.

What Should I Expect to Pay for Tips and Gratuities?

As many of our customers complete their trip and prepare to return home it is not uncommon for customers to request information on gratuities. Being part of the service and travel industry, gratuities are a common way of expressing appreciation for exceptional service. That being said, we strongly believe that gratuities are earned, not expected. Nothing short of a great experience should be worthy of a gratuity! Unless you stipulate otherwise, all gratuities are pooled and split among all staff members. Skippers must be tipped separately. We offer the following suggestions based on your experience at our resorts:

Staff Tips (per person in your group)

• Exceeded All Expectations – $25/day Excellent – $20/day
• Good to Very Good – $15/day
• Fair to Poor – Please contact management to discuss

Guide Tips (per person in your group)

• Exceeded All Expectations – $50/day
• Excellent – $40/day
• Good to Very Good – $20 – $25 /day
• Fair to Poor – Please contact management to discuss

Do I Need to Bring Food If I Go On A Charter?

If you purchase our all-inclusive packages, we will provide delicious food and snacks you can pack and take with you.  If you are doing a charter al-la-carte, you will need to pack your own food.  Most charters will have some drinks on board. 
Clover Pass Alaska Fishing
Four Decades of Doing it Right
(888) 564-4525
Copyright 2025 | ASE Resorts
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