Clover Pass Alaska Fishing
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Mike Stettler – Logan, UT

Another successful silver salmon run cemented Clover Pass Resort as the place to be in September when fall coho runs make their way through Behm Canal and right past Clover Pass Resort on their way back to spawning streams in Southern Southeast Alaska. Local fisheries biologists predict large amounts of fish are still on their way, meaning that coho fishing will likely continue to be good after the doors have shut on our 2009 season.

This year continued the positive trend we have seen in recent years where early coho runs that begin in July continue to build as the summer progresses, never really letting up before the large runs find their way to our waters in late August/early September. July and August coho tend to me smaller (around 5-7 lbs) than the September fish which usually average 10-11 lbs. However, September provides opportunities for big coho as well, particularly later in the month as more males make their ways towards the rivers to fertilize eggs left by the females. Not uncommon are coho ranging in the high teens, with some truly beautiful fish breaking the 20 lb mark almost every year!

Fishing for silvers is an absolute blast, which is why Clover Pass Resort’s busiest time of the year is September. Not only do our guests look forward to enjoying the phenomenal fishing, they also look forward to their annual trip as an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends, some of whom they only see during this special annual outing! The smiles on their faces and the fish in their boxes tells me that they were able to accomplish both!

Russell Thomas
General Manager

Clover Pass Alaska Fishing
Four Decades of Doing it Right
(888) 564-4525
Copyright 2025 | ASE Resorts
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