Clover Pass Alaska Fishing
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Ketchikan Fishing Minute - August 23, 2021

Catch up with all that's happening at Alaska Sportfishing Expeditions, located in Ketchikan, Alaska.  For the week of August 23, 2021.

Welcome back to another Ketchikan fishing minute for the week of August 23rd 2021.

Like we mentioned last week it feels like fall is coming at us full force with continued chilly temperatures and more rain.

Ketchikan has had close to seven inches of rainfall over the last two weeks.

Additionally, we even got some high winds overnight during the week affecting some ability for the charters to get out after bottom fish.

The days are getting a little shorter each day, especially when the weather is overcast.

That being said, guests still were able to get a wide variety of fish this last week. 

Just over a week ago we were joined at the Cedars by Mark Zuban and his grown children Ash and Kerry.

Although their pictures are a week old we just received them and their catch continues to be indicative of what we are seeing on the charters this week as well.

Mark had been to the cedars years ago and had wanted to bring his adult children back to enjoy Alaska and the Cedars just like he had many years before. 

Their party fished with captain Cable Campbell and was able to find halibut rockfish pink and coho salmon during their trip. 

When Carrie sent us the pictures she ended her email saying ‘looking forward to coming back for more fishing and more memories’.

We're already looking forward to your return too Carrie.

Like we mentioned others on charters this week saw similar types and quantities of fish.

Self-guided guests also continued to do well in spite of some tough weather.

As a matter of fact, it seemed like this week in particular saw more variety than we've seen in a long time. 

All sorts of bottom fish were pulled off the ocean floor including various types of cod, some small sand sharks, and a skate.

Captain Mike Mickelson even found this octopus while setting some crab pots.

Of course, guests were also able to find coho which is starting to build as we head into September. 

In spite of the rain, the sun did decide to grace us with its presence a time or two.

This last week we also received the sad news that long-time Silverking lodge and the Cedars lodge guest Joyce Nelson had passed away.

As hard as we try not to have favorite guests, there are a few who find a special place in our hearts after years of coming back and spending time with us.

Joyce was one of those people.

Joyce and her husband Craig were just up a few short months ago spending time at both the Cedars lodge and Silverking lodge.

We were sad to hear of her passing.

While we are certainly going to miss Joyce, we will always remember the way she treated others and the smiles she brought to all of us when she was around.

Rain or shine, we're looking forward to seeing what next week brings and when it comes, we'll be sure to share it all with you right here on the next Ketchikan fishing Minute.

Clover Pass Alaska Fishing
Four Decades of Doing it Right
(888) 564-4525
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