Clover Pass Alaska Fishing
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A Day At The Office!

Photographer and friend, Barry Hill, recently made his way up to Ketchikan from Park City, Utah to get away from Utah’s summer heat, catch a few fish, and capture some pictures.  It was a busy trip for Barry, although he did find some time work combine work and play with some of  Clover Pass Resort’s team during a halibut fishing excursion.  The weather cooperated and despite a few other commitments that cut the trip shorter than all would have liked, everyone caught fish.  Barry and Carter Thomas (son of Clover Pass Resort manager, Russell Thomas) tied for most fish, with Clover Pass Resort dock manager Jeremy Merrill taking the prize for biggest.  All in all, it was a great morning!

Clover Pass Alaska Fishing
Four Decades of Doing it Right
(888) 564-4525
Copyright 2025 | ASE Resorts
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